Highfield   |   Certified Food Safety Programmes

Certified Food Safety Programmes

Highfield has been at the forefront of food safety for four decades. Since publishing Richard Sprenger’s Food Hygiene Handbook in 1982, Highfield has gone on to become the UK’s leading provider of regulated food safety qualifications, and internationally has been influential in the creation and implementation of the Person in Charge Programme in Dubai.

Under the direction of food safety expert Richard Sprenger, Highfield International has created two new certified food safety programmes. Fifty years’ experience of promoting food safety as an enforcement officer, a director, a government adviser, author, trainer and chairman of a leading UK and international awarding body, has given Richard unparalleled experience within the industry. It is this insight that has led to the creation of the Highfield Manager in Charge Programme and the Highfield Certified Manager Programme.

The focus of each programme is to provide food business managers with the knowledge and skills to take control of food safety within their organisation. To become less reliant on third parties, keep themselves up to date and to accept and embrace responsibility themselves.

At the heart of each programme is the aim to convert the ‘certificate on the wall’ to genuine competence in the workplace.

If you would like further information on any of Highfield’s food safety programmes, please contact Richard Sprenger on rsprenger@highfield.co.uk or call 009714 449 4042.


The Highfield Manager in Charge Programme (HMIC) offers a practical approach to food safety that is based on good international practice and built on 7 years of successfully implementing similar programmes in the Middle East and Asia. The programme provides the owner/board the tools to take responsibility for food safety without the need to rely on inspections by third parties to identify failings. It will assist in protecting profits and minimise the risk of food poisoning.

Who is it for?

The programme is designed for catering and retail businesses who are serious about improving food safety in their organisation. The HMIC Programme is not about a certificate on the wall, but is about sustained and efficient improvements to food safety with the food business.

The manager in charge (MIC) in your business should be an established supervisor or manager who is keen to make improvements, and can take responsibility for staff hygiene and monthly audits of the business.

What is HMIC?

HMIC is a programme that combines four qualifications into a total food safety solution for your business. On the successful completion of the programme, the certified manager will be knowledgeable enough to assume overall responsibility for food safety within the business.

The successful MIC will receive the following qualifications:

  1. Level 3 Award in Food Safety in Catering (RQF)
  2. Level 3 Award in Auditing and Inspection (RQF)
  3. Level 3 Award in Food Allergen Management in Catering (RQF)
  4. Level 3 International Award in HACCP for Catering

And will:

  • be responsible for the daily food safety of your business including the on-the-job training of food handlers to ensure their competence
  • be responsible for dealing with all customers’ food complaints
  • be trained in HACCP and internal auditing
  • be responsible for carrying out monthly internal audits and liaising with enforcement officers, third-party auditors, pest control, and cleaning and training companies
  • need to undertake food safety CPD relevant to the organisation and keep a portfolio of evidence to prove they are keeping themselves up to date with food safety information relevant to the sector

The successful learner will also be presented with an HMIC certificate, which is renewable annually provided they have undertaken monthly audits of the food business and advised managers of any failings. They will also need to keep themselves up to date by achieving a minimum of 24 CPD hours per annum.

HMIC for Business

Businesses involved may apply for a ‘Highfield Certificate of Excellence in Managing Food Safety (for the Business)’, confirming their participation in the Highfield Manager in Charge Programme. This certificate can be renewed annually provided they have remedied the failings identified by the audits, there are no contraindications, and have trained at least 50% of their food handlers and 50% of their managers to level 2 food safety and level 3 food safety respectively.

Highfield Manager in Charge Programme Specification

If you would like further information on the Highfield Manager in Charge Programme, please contact Richard Sprenger on rsprenger@highfield.co.uk or call 009714 449 4042. 

What is the Highfield Manager in Charge Programme?

The Highfield Manager in Charge Programme is a certified food safety programme that provides food businesses with the tools and knowledge to take control of food safety in their organisation.

It combines internationally recognised qualifications with an ongoing practical requirement based around audits and inspection, and continuous professional development, ensuring that the registered MIC stays up to date.

It also places an expectation on the food business to ensure the ongoing training of managers, supervisors and food handlers.

How does HMIC work?

For the programme to be effective a business must nominate at least two members of staff to be their managers in charge. These people should be based in a kitchen or food preparation environment. HMIC is a commitment to food safety that goes beyond a certificate on the wall.

The MIC in the business will:

  • be responsible for the daily food safety of your business including the on-the-job training of food handlers to ensure their competence
  • be responsible for dealing with all customers’ food complaints
  • be trained in HACCP and internal auditing
  • be responsible for carrying out monthly internal audits and liaising with enforcement officers, third-party auditors, pest control, cleaning and training companies
  • need to undertake food safety CPD relevant to your organisation and keep a portfolio of evidence to prove they are keeping themselves up to date with food safety information relevant to your sector

The business will commit to training at least 50% of managers and supervisors to achieve a level 3 qualification and at least 50% of food handlers to a level 2 qualification from a recognised awarding organisation.

Who is HMIC aimed at?

The Highfield Manager in Charge Programme is aimed at any business in a catering or retail environment. Businesses taking part in the programme will be awarded a Highfield Certificate of Excellence in Managing Food Safety (for the Business).

Why Register for HMIC?

Businesses that register for the HMIC Programme show a commitment to achieving the very highest standards of food safety. It is a commitment that will assist in protecting profits and minimising the risk of food poisoning.

The benefits to the company are improved food safety, quick implementation and the appreciation of customers.

Learners who wish to qualify as a manager in charge may benefit from increased career prospects, and an enhancement of their skillset. By the end of the programme they will have the knowledge and skills required to identify food safety issues, cover the principles of HACCP and carry out a basic inspection of all food storage, preparation, cooking and serving areas.

How Do I Sign Up for HMIC?

HMIC training is delivered only by approved Highfield centres. If you are an existing Highfield centre, contact your centre manager and let them know you would like to register to deliver HMIC.

If you are not currently a Highfield centre but would like more information on the Highfield Manager in Charge Programme, please contact our office on 00971 449 4042 or email Richard Sprenger on rsprenger@highfield.co.uk.

The qualification specification for the Highfield Manager in Charge Programme outlines everything you need to know to successfully deliver this food safety training programme for managers and supervisors.

Highfield Manager in Charge Programme Specification

If you would like further information on the Highfield Manager in Charge programme please contact Richard Sprenger on rsprenger@highfield.co.uk or call 009714 449 4042.  

The Certified Manager Programme is a new approach to food safety that is designed to equip businesses with supervisors and managers that are competent enough to assume responsibility for food safety in a business.

The Current Situation

A lack of suitable training for supervisors and managers can mean that food handlers, often through mandated programmes, have a greater knowledge of food safety than those supervising them. How can a supervisor ensure that food handlers are operating and implementing safe working practices without being trained to a higher standard? Yet, if there is a food poisoning outbreak, in most cases, it is the result of poor management as opposed to the fault of a food handler.

The growing prominence of food allergies are resulting in increased customer complaints, product recalls, anaphylaxis and, in some cases, death, but how many managers are specifically, and suitably, trained on managing allergens and able to implement controls and policies to prevent serious problems?

An additional problem arises when governments mandate all food businesses to implement food safety initiatives such as HACCP. Managers and supervisors, without the correct level of training, often have inadequate knowledge to implement HACCP, and often lack the knowledge to determine if consultants employed to develop HACCP systems are competent to do so. The net result can be a totally inappropriate or complex HACCP system that nobody in the business understands.

The ‘certificate on the wall’, accepted as evidence by auditors and inspectors of suitably trained food handlers and managers, often does not reflect the level of competency, behaviour of staff or reflect a positive food safety culture.

Are Qualifications and Certification the Answer?

Training leading to certificated and recognised qualifications are very important, they provide motivation and evidence of:

  • achievement
  • recognition
  • compliance

Qualifications improve the level of knowledge in the industry and allow employers and organisations to set a benchmark of required knowledge, but they may not reflect competency.

Food safety qualifications and programmes must provide the tools and incentives that encourage food businesses to accept responsibility for food safety. The industry must shift from a culture of certification to a culture of competency.

Our Solution

The effective training and qualification of supervisors and managers, continued professional development and evidence of competence through the implementation of food safety improvements.

The starting point is to provide managers with sufficient knowledge to implement effective controls, policies and procedures to manage any hazards and provide the on-the-job training of food handlers.

The best way to do this is through appropriate management training leading to recognised qualifications.

The Highfield Certified Manager Programme offers pathways for catering and retail professionals as well as those working in a manufacturing environment: 

Catering Supervisors Pathway

6-day programme that leads to four level 3 qualifications:

  • level 3 supervising food safety (3 days) • level 3 auditing and inspection (1 day) • level 3 HACCP for catering (1 day) • level 3 allergen management (1 day)

On successful completion of this programme the learner will be awarded the Food Safety Supervisor (Catering) certificate.

Catering Managers Pathway

A 10-day programme that leads to two level 3 and two level 4 qualifications:

  • level 4 food safety for managers (5 days)
    • level 3 auditing and inspection (1 day)
    • level 4 HACCP for catering (3 days)
    • level 3 allergen management (1 day)

On successful completion of this programme the learner will be awarded the Food Safety Manager (Catering) certificate.

Manufacturing Supervisors Pathway

A 6-day programme that leads to three level 3 qualifications:

  • level 3 supervising food safety (3 days)
    • level 3 auditing and inspection (1 day)
    • level 3 Codex HACCP (2 days)

On successful completion of this programme the learner will be awarded the Food Safety Supervisor (Manufacturing) certificate.

Manufacturing Managers Pathway

An 11-day programme that leads to a level 3 and two level 4 qualifications:

  • level 4 food safety for managers (5 days)
    • level 3 auditing and inspection (1 day)
    • level 4 Codex HACCP (5 days)

On successful completion of this programme the learner will be awarded the Food Safety Manager (Manufacturing) certificate.

Converting Certification to Competence

To ensure that this programme produces competent food safety professionals, several measures will be implemented that evidence competence.

This mixture of internal and external measures includes:

Internal measures

  • Reduction in food poisoning contributory factors and contraventions
  • Possibly less wastage and energy use (in a safe manner)
  • Fewer complaints

External measures

  • Reduction in food poisoning contributory factors and contraventions
  • Improved audit score
  • Reduced fines
  • Improved hygiene rating

To assist in achieving competency, certificates will be valid for one year, with renewal dependent on achieving at least 24 hours of continuing professional development.

The requirement to maintain CPD is intended to ensure supervisors and managers keep up to date with the latest information regarding food safety issues that may affect their business. This will include information on food poisoning outbreaks, food complaints, allergens, recalls, legislation and new scientific information.

If you would like further information about the Highfield Certified Manager programme you can download the programme specification.

If you would like further information about implementing the Certified Manager Programme, please contact Richard Sprenger on rsprenger@highfield.co.uk or call 009714 449 4042.  

What is the Highfield Certified Manager Programme?

The Highfield Certified Manager Programme is a certified food safety programme that provides managers within food businesses with the tools and knowledge to take control of food safety in their organisation.

It combines internationally recognised qualifications with practical measures that evidence the difference properly trained managers make, and these measures include:

Internal measures

  • Reduction in food poisoning contributory factors and contraventions
  • Possibly less wastage and energy use (in a safe manner)
  • Fewer complaints

External measures

  • Reduction in food poisoning contributory factors and contraventions
  • Improved audit score
  • Reduced fines
  • Improved hygiene rating

It also ensures that managers and supervisors are better placed to understand the complex solutions that many third-party companies may suggest implementing and ensures the effective supervision of food handlers.

How Does CMP Work?

For the programme to be effective a business must strive to achieve the highest levels of food safety. With four pathways to choose from the CMP is suitable for businesses that operate in catering, retail or manufacturing environments.

The CMP is a bundle of qualifications that provide knowledge in a variety of subjects that are pertinent for food safety managers and supervisors.

To ensure continued competence the programme has a requirement for the certified manager or supervisor to maintain 24 hours of CPD per year. This can be gained and evidenced in a variety of ways.

Who Is It Aimed At?

The Highfield Certified Manager Programme is suitable for existing managers and supervisors working in catering, retail or food manufacturing environments. It is also the ideal programme to ensure the effective upskilling of existing staff who would like to progress to a supervisory or management role.

The programme may also be particularly useful as part of a graduate training scheme within the hospitality sector.

Why should I register my business and staff for the Certified Manager Programme?

Businesses and individuals that register for the Certified Manager Programme show a commitment to achieving the very highest standards of food safety. It is a commitment that will assist in protecting profits, enhancing your brand reputation and minimising the risk of food poisoning.

The benefits to the company are improved food safety, quick implementation and the appreciation of customers.

Learners who wish to qualify as a certified manager may benefit from increased career prospects, and an enhancement of their skillset. By the end of the programme they will have the knowledge and skills required to identify food safety issues, cover the principles of HACCP and effectively inspect all food storage, preparation, cooking and serving areas. For those working within a catering environment they will have the knowledge to effectively manage the control of allergens.

How do I register for the Certified Manager Programme?

The Certified Manager Programme can only be delivered by approved Highfield centres. If you are an existing Highfield centre, contact your centre manager and let them know you would like to register to deliver the Certified Manage Programme.

If you are not currently a Highfield centre, or are a company that is interested in implementing the programme for your business, please contact Richard Sprenger on rsprenger@highfield.co.uk or call 009714 449 4042.

If you would like further information on the Highfield Certified Manager Programme, please contact Richard Sprenger on rsprenger@highfield.co.uk or call 009714 449 4042.

The Highfield Certified Manager Programme is a new approach to food safety management. Within the qualification specification training providers and businesses will find everything they need to know about this certified food safety programme.

Highfield Certified Manager Programme Qualification Specification

If you would like further information on the Highfield Certified Manager Programme, please contact Richard Sprenger on rsprenger@highfield.co.uk or call 009714 449 4042.

Whether you are interested in the Highfield Manager in Charge programme or the Highfield Certified Manager Programme, we believe one of the keys to converting certification to competence is CPD. Through achieving and maintaining your professional knowledge you will stay abreast of the latest issues that impact on the food and hospitality industries.

From product recalls to new legislation, new guidelines on best practice to high-profile court cases, the world of food safety is fast-paced and ever-changing.  

Our food safety programmes place an expectation on the certified manager to achieve a minimum of 24 hours CPD per year. Another way to think of this is two hours per month or 30 minutes per week.

There are many ways that you can achieve 24 hours of CPD, including:

  • membership and participation in the Highfield Food Safety Forum on LinkedIn
  • giving tool-box talks
  • writing published articles
  • obtaining additional relevant qualifications including a management qualification
  • attending seminars, webinars and conferences
  • implementing measurable hygiene improvements in the business
  • undertaking internal audits

If you would like further information on any of Highfield’s food safety programmes, or advice on what activity constitutes CPD for the programme, please contact Richard Sprenger on rsprenger@highfield.co.uk or call 009714 449 4042.